Movement Building - A Response To Addressing Social Issues
Insights into facilitating social change processes.
Resourcing for Social Justice
The Future of Work in Social Impact and the Development Industry
The Value of Giving
Navigating Strategic Review and Planning.
Equipping gender-based AYT Gender Agenda
Resiliency Plus
Building Strategies for Long-term Citizen Engagement
Strategies to Strengthen Community Engagement in Social Accountability
The 3 Cs of Coaching
The Elasticity of CSOs
What is your organisation’s anatomy? Integrating new learning's in organisation strategy
Exploring alternative models for Civil Society Resourcing
Key Pillars of Effective Fundraising
Catalyzing and Transforming Change Through Generosity - GivingTuesday Africa
Strengthening and Tiered Evaluation Process (STEP) programme for CSOs
Re-imagining civil society resourcing in Tanzania: A scoping study
Humanitarian Capacity Strengthening for Civil Society Organisations
East Africa Giving Report 2021